Choosing a Site for Your Rental Dumpster

If you’re seeking a commercial dumpster rental for any reason, one of the most important decisions you’ll need to make in addition to the size of the rental dumpster itself is where the dumpster will be placed on your worksite or commercial property. Your dumpster rental provider in Atlanta can help you select the right front load or roll-off rental dumpster for your needs, and here are a few tips for helping you select the best drop-off site for the dumpster you select.

  • Choose a site that is close to waste-generating activities to make it easier on workers to get waste inside the dumpster
  • Choose a site that does not block foot or car traffic
  • Choose a site that can easily be access by the truck delivering and picking up the rental dumpster
  • Choose a site far enough away from valuable or sensitive equipment that might be damaged if any waste falls out of the dumpster or is accidently thrown over
