• Are You Doing Everything to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint?

    We live on the only inhabitable planet that we know of, so it makes sense that we should do what we can to take care of it. If everyone took steps to reduce their carbon footprints, we could leave a healthier environment for future generations. The good news is that there are countless ways you can go green. From the way you use the energy in your home to recycling serving Atlanta, everyone has the ability to make the push towards sustainability. Think about your energy usage, waste disposal, and traveling routines, and read on to see if you are doing everything to reduce your carbon footprint. carbon - footprint

    Home Energy

    You need to power your home, but there’s a right way and a wrong way to do it. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint and extend the lifespan of your heating and cooling appliances, make sure you keep your windows and doors closed when you turn on the heater or air conditioner. This will trap conditioned air inside, rather than letting it escape and mix with air from the exterior of the building. You can also invest in home automation technology like smart lighting and set your appliances to remote timers.

    Waste Management

    People generate an almost unfathomable amount of waste, and it all needs to go somewhere. Landfills are filling up with trash, and much of it could have been reused. You can get started on reducing your carbon footprint by committing yourself to recycling. Recycling is one of the most responsible ways to handle waste management, and it’s easy for anyone to do. This practice takes materials from used products to create brand new products, which spares virgin materials and saves energy.

    Driving and Travel

    As fun as a joyride in a new car can be, it’s a good idea to think about when you absolutely need to drive and when you might be able to walk. If you’re taking a quick trip into town for a bite to eat, you can even consider riding a bicycle to limit your emissions and reduce your carbon footprint.

  • Are You Recycling These Common Items?

    Not everyone is certain about what kinds of materials they can and can’t recycle near Atlanta. You are most likely aware that you can throw your glass bottles and aluminum cans in recycling bins, but what do you do with your electronic equipment? A lot of your old electronics can be recycled, and yet tons of reusable electronics end up in landfills instead. Keep in mind that there are sometimes special pickup requirements when it comes to materials like batteries and light bulbs. Take a look ahead and ask yourself if you’ve been recycling these common items. recycle - items

    Bottles and Cans

    In this day and age, it’s a lot less common to see someone throw an aluminum can or a plastic bottle into a garbage rather than a recycling bin compared to just a few years ago. Containers that hold sports drinks, sodas, and beer are extremely recyclable, and it takes very little effort on the part of the consumer. Aluminum is so recyclable that the next can of soda you buy might be made from a can that you threw away just a couple of months ago. If you aren’t recycling your bottles and cans yet, now is the time to start.


    It’s tough to escape technology these days, and everyone seems to be waiting at the edge of their seats for the next new mobile phone to come out. What many people don’t realize is that they can recycle their old devices. There are useful materials in your old laptops, desktop monitors, printers, and tablets. Even older electronics like CD and floppy drives, fax machines, and cabled mice can be recycled. Rather than throwing your old electronics out or letting them sit in a bin in your garage, consider recycling them and putting them back into circulation.

    Batteries and Bulbs

    Some people are unsure how to dispose of certain common items like batteries and fluorescent bulbs. While these items can be recycled and are often accepted, they might come with specialized pickup requirements. Talk to your waste management professional to see how you can go about recycling these items.

  • Exploring the Dangers of Trash

    Everyone has to do something with the waste near Atlanta that they generate, or it will continue to pile up. Without trash pickup services, the aesthetic appeal inside and outside of your building may be at risk. Unfortunately, there are many other potential hazards in addition to reduced cosmetics. When waste piles up, it may ultimately attract pests. These pests are eyesores in themselves and can turn people away from your home or your place of business, and they can even spread disease to your family or your customers. Continue reading if you’re interested in exploring the dangers of trash. trash - services

    Cosmetic Eyesore

    The curb appeal of a home or business place can impact the overall appearance of the neighborhood, which means everyone in the community may be concerned. If you allow waste to pile up on your property, keep in mind that you might be bringing down your neighbors’ property values. Some people let waste build up inside their buildings, which can also be detrimental. This will take away from the interior design scheme that you’ve worked so hard on, and it can reduce the overall value of your property. If you want to preserve your curb appeal, it’s a good idea to develop a waste management plan.

    Attraction of Pests

    If you know anything about pests, you know that they tend to show up when there’s a bunch of waste around. Neglecting your trash can serve as a warm welcome for all kinds of bugs, rodents, and pests, and they will further take away from the curb appeal of your house or business. Even if the waste problem is outside, the pests that it attracts may very well find their way in.

    Introduction of Disease

    Waste buildup and pest problems aren’t just aesthetic issues—both of these problems can actually be harmful to your health. The pests that come to check out your waste can spread disease through bites and physical contact as well as traces of urine and feces left behind. Make sure you establish a viable waste management plan to keep your space free of disease.

  • See How to Recycle Aluminum

    Aluminum is a great material for recycling serving Atlanta, and this type of metal recycling can have a substantially positive impact on the environment . Since people go through more than a million pounds of aluminum on a daily basis, it’s extra important that we commit to recycling this material. Check out this video and see how to recycle aluminum.

    When it comes to recyclable materials, aluminum is always part of the conversation. Aluminum is so recyclable that more than half of it still exists today, and Americans alone go through hundreds of millions of cans per day. First the recycling pros will collect aluminum and remove any plastics or paper. Then a hydraulic press crushes the remaining metal into bales. The collected and baled aluminum is then melted down so that it can be turned into a new aluminum sheet. This reduces greenhouse gases, saves energy, and protects the environment.

  • Teaching Your Employees About Industrial Waste

    While it’s important for everyone to handle their waste near Atlanta responsibly, industrial waste includes some special considerations. Industrial waste disposal is different from other kinds of waste management systems. This is because the materials being disposed of tend to be more hazardous to the environment, so they must be handled with care. As long as you work with your waste management professionals, however, you should be able to dispose of your industrial waste in the most environmentally-friendly way possible. Continue reading to see why teaching your employees about industrial waste is so important.

    In addition to being a responsible practice that is beneficial to the environment, a quality industrial waste management program will keep your space clean and reduce the chance of health hazards. One of the most important aspects of industrial waste disposal is ensuring that people have access to the right receptacles. Employees should know where to find these receptacles, and they should also be trained in how to handle industrial waste safely. Another important point to consider is the scheduling of your waste pickup. You don’t want your industrial waste to pile up, so make sure your pickups are scheduled at the right intervals.

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  • Make the Parts of Your Waste Management System Effective

    Responsible and efficient waste disposal involves the use of a few different components, and you’ll need to know how to use them . Although dealing with waste near Atlanta may seem straightforward on the surface, there are elements that you should consider. Purchasing trash cans, recycling bins, and dumpsters may be a good start, but the way you use them plays an important role. Read on to find out how you can make the parts of your waste management system effective.

    The 3 main components of a waste management system are trash cans, recycling bins, and dumpsters. You can find trash cans all over the place, which is crucial when it comes to responsible waste management. The easier it is to find a trash can, the more likely it will be that people throw their garbage away rather than litter. On the same note, you should also make it easy for people to access recycling bins so they can dispose of their recyclable waste in a more environmentally-friendly manner. Dumpsters can be a great choice for areas like apartment complexes and schools, where trash can be regularly picked up at scheduled times. Use these 3 elements to make your waste management system effective.

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  • Why Is Sustainability Important?

    You’ve heard about how recycling serving Atlanta is an environmentally-friendly practice, but you might not know why it’s so important to protect the environment in the first place. Responsible waste disposal makes for an investment in our future and can limit our use of nonrenewable resources, which can in turn have an impact on our overall social consciousness. The right waste management program can even save you money and help to stimulate the economy. If you’re thinking about going green, please continue reading to find out why sustainability is so important. sustainability - energy

    Investing In the Future

    If we want our future generations to thrive, we have to pay attention to the way we shape the world they’ll be living in. In order to be sustainable, we need to figure out how we can limit our use of nonrenewable resources and follow more environmentally-friendly practices. Recycling is an excellent example of a “green” practice that can help secure a healthy planet for future generations to enjoy, but there is much more to be done as well. Businesses can seek waste management professionals to advise them on how they can adapt and become more sustainable.

    Progressing Socially

    The fact that people are embracing the idea of protecting the environment is a great sign. It’s becoming more and more difficult to ignore the impact that we have on the environment, and nothing will change unless the whole mindset of our society commits to being more responsible with our waste management. Initiatives like recycling and solar energy are already helping to mitigate the damage that humankind does to the environment, and the concept of sustainability has opened the door for discussion.

    Boosting the Economy

    It’s not just the environment that benefits when you practice sustainability. By using renewable energy sources, we save ourselves money and stimulate the economy. Even recycling can put money back in the pocket of the consumer while keeping reusable waste out of landfills and putting them back into circulation. If you want to fill your wallet instead of another landfill, think about how you can contribute to our society’s sustainability.

  • How to Implement a Recycling Program in Your School

    If you want to bring recycling serving Atlanta to your school, you’ll need to take some time to prepare. You will need help and resources , so start by talking to your coworkers and forming a team. Then think about your waste disposal needs, like how many recycling receptacles you should have on the property. A professional waste management company can help you roll out your recycling program and make sure it all goes according to plan. Here is a closer look at how to implement a recycling program in your school. school - recycling - programs

    Get Everyone on Board

    A successful recycling program is a team effort. Everyone needs to be on the same page when you start your recycling program, or it won’t be as effective as it should be. This means there should be a meeting between students, teachers, and staff members to ensure that everyone is aware of the new policies so that they can be carried out successfully. If your school doesn’t already have one, you can put together an environmental club or another organizational team. The more backing you have, the more successful your recycling program stands to be.

    Consider Your Needs

    Before you can get started with your recycling program, you will need the appropriate materials. Recycling bins are among the most important elements to include. Think about how big your campus is, and consider its layout. Remember that people will be more inclined to use a recycling bin if it’s readily available. If they can’t find one, they might use a trash can instead or even end up littering. The bigger your campus, the more recycling receptacles you should have. Make sure to place them in areas with plenty of traffic to maximize exposure.

    Consult Waste Management Services

    The point of waste management services is to help empower and encourage people to do their part to protect the environment. The professionals can offer you more advice that you can use to make the most of your recycling program, and they can supply you with the materials and resources you need in order to make it a success.

  • Debunking Common Myths About Waste Management

    You may know quite a bit about waste management, but are you sure that everything you know about it is the truth? The way you handle your waste near Atlanta affects your business’ bottom line, the environment, and potentially even your health. You may have heard that landfills are the way to go when it comes to waste, or that it’s safe to throw products in the trash without checking their labels. You might also be under the impression that recycling is all we can do to practice responsible waste disposal. Read on if you’re interested in debunking these common myths. recycling - myths

    Myth: Landfills Are Great for Disposal

    Typically when you throw your trash out and the garbage truck comes to pick up your cans at the curbside, your waste will end up in a landfill. Unfortunately today’s landfills are reaching capacity, and they are also not the best solution when it comes to the environment. Irresponsible waste management practices cause hazardous materials to end up in landfills as well, further harming the environment. Every time we add to landfills, we miss the opportunity to recycle or repurpose those usable materials and put them back into circulation.

    Myth: You Can Always Follow Labels

    It’s not always safe to trust the label on a given product. Even if a product label indicates that it isn’t hazardous, you should look into it before you throw it away. Environmental regulators can help you determine the safest and most efficient way to dispose of a given product.

    Myth: Recycling is Enough

    If you want to do your part to help the environment, recycling is a great start. This practice ensures that waste that would otherwise end up in a landfill is broken down and reused as a brand new product. This helps to spare natural resources and even stimulates the economy, but it’s not the only thing you can do to help. Extra waste is generated when people buy things they don’t need, so try to avoid buying anything that you might not use. If you do, consider donating it instead of throwing it out.

  • Learn More About Your Everyday Products with This App

    There are tons of ways you can crack down on waste near Atlanta , and waste disposal methods aren’t the only ones. You can also practice waste management by only purchasing the products that you need. Learn more about your everyday products with this app.

    Humans generate an incredible amount of waste, and much of this waste comes from unused products that were thrown away. Thanks to GoodGuide , you can be sure to choose only high quality products that you will use to the fullest. The app offers ratings for food products, informs you about the health hazards that are associated with certain cleaning products, and educates consumers about nutrition. If consumers are able to make more informed choices about the products that they buy, manufacturers may be encouraged to make better quality products. The GoodGuide app is available for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, and its information is credible and scientific.
